Saturday, April 18, 2009

Excitement on Tax Day!

April 15th generally comes and goes without a second thought except for this year. It turns out I had some preterm contractions and earned a night at the hospital. We are fine now, it's just that the baby is a touch too little to be greeting us right now (34 weeks). So I am learning to "take it easy" and keeping the baby in. It was a small scare and we are hoping to see the baby soon, mid-May.

1 comment:

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

I'm SOOOO glad that baby is staying put. I feel terrible that I didn't come see you in the hospital. I know how scary that can be.

I had the same ordeal with Brayla's pregnancy at 31.5 weeks. It was a very stressful time and in the middle of a hot Texas July so imagine I brought it on myself by overdoing it (and by being a little dehydrated--ugh). I, unfortunately, had to take an icky medication every 4 hours for the rest of my pregnancy (which I now regret agreeing to--ugh!).

Back then they used to say that 37 weeks was safe, but the latest studies are now saying no earlier than 39 weeks. I deeply regret letting my OB take Brandon at 38 weeks. He had a really tough start in life (not as tough as a 34 weeker would, but enough that an extra 2-4 weeks would have helped his development tremendously). But we live and learn to rely on God and nature, right?

Keep that wee one safe and sound as long as possible. We'll welcome him or her soon! YIPPEE! <3
