Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I like Texas, I do, but I have had to get use to one NASTY fact: cockroaches. We find and kill a yucky bug about once every two to three days. I was complaining about the bugs to a friend here and she asked me what the cockroaches look like. They are HUGE, about 2 and 1/2 inches, fat, and round. They are so gross, but there is an up side. We have the "good" kind of cockroaches, if there is such a thing. Apparently, the big ones are better because they are coming in from outside looking for something to eat (I think they are called a tree roach). The little ones are the kind that take up residence in your walls and infest everything. So I still hate them (sorry Wall-E), but I guess it could be worse.


2Shaye ♪♫ said...

LOL, Yep, so much really *IS* bigger in Texas.

Sarah H said...

I HATE bugs too. I heard someone say that beetles are God's favorite animal because there are more species of beetles than any other animal.