Friday, September 5, 2008

Are you My Mother?

I am a little worried about this and would appreciate some input. Thomas has an imaginary friend, well not really a friend. He has an imaginary Mom. Her name is Memo and she lives in a yellow house very far away. Memo tucks Thomas into bed every night. I tell you what, if I ever catch Memo I am going to kick her trash. Both James and I tuck both the kids in every night, unless one of us is out (which is rare). Why would my son imagine another mother to tuck him in at night? I know kids are imaginative, and I am fine with that. But he could have imagined a pet, a friend, even a new dad. I am the one who gave him life, cleaned up diarrhea, caught throw up in my hands and rocked him when he cried. I don't deserve to be replaced, no fair. And to top it off, when Lucy wants something she always calls for James, 'cause he generally caves. What are my kids thinking? Am I really that hard nosed? "I'm cool, I'm hip!"


2Shaye ♪♫ said...

I have laughed and laughed over this post. I'd be a little bothered, too. But rest assured it's all just part of imaginative play--coming to grips with fact and fiction, reality and fantasy. My daughter recently was playing and I overheard that her mommy and daddy died. DIED?! At least she was sad about it, but sheesh, I really didn't feel good about that at all. LOL

Sarah H said...

Hmmm...interesting. Maybe it's his fairy godmother. ;)