Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Crab Quandry

I don't know what to do. I set up my fish tank again. This time I am trying something new, cold water fish. You know like koi and goldfish. Well, I also put in a fiddler crab. I have had those in my fish tank before and they never gave me a problem, until now! I have one in there and I can't keep him in the fish tank. Someday I am going to be playing with the kids on the floor and I am going to get a painful pinch in the tush. Ouch! So what do I do now? He's not big enough for crabs legs. Any ideas?


Unknown said...

Clint had the same problems with his crawdads. I don't know what to tell you, maybe some pantyhose or netting over all the holes. Good luck!

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Ok, I'm a little nervous about our next playdate over there. ;) I know nothing about keeping crabs contained. Good luck!